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Why a morning move is better

If you've never used a moving company before then you might want to take a glance at a few of the reasons why you might consider booking your move in the morning instead of a later time slot.  It could save you valuable time and money on moving day, and who couldn't use more of either?

Guaranteed Time

A morning reservation is usually the only time slot that has a guaranteed arrival time (except for the occasional flat tire or really bad traffic).  However, in the afternoon movers may quote a window of arrival time of up to 2-3 hours in case their morning move adds more items to their inventory, an extra stop, undisclosed stairs or long walks to elevators, etc.


In the summer the morning is more pleasant to move in because of the temperature being cooler. It also means fewer breaks the crew will need to take to keep themselves hydrated and energized.

Avoiding Rush Hour

Moving in the morning in a large city helps avoid the dreaded afternoon rush hour traffic. If you're moving at an hourly rate, try to avoid moving at this time of day. You may be charged for the time it takes the movers to get from your pick up address to the destination address.

Getting More Done

Morning moves also give you more time to unpack, clean your old place and meet with the installers to get your cable and utilities hooked up so you can rest easy that night with a relaxing movie, a/c and a warm meal after a hard days work. Morning slots book up the quickest, especially in the summer which sometimes books 4-6 weeks out so make your reservation with Infinity Moving LLC today to secure your morning reservation. 512-628-0200
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