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What kind of moving box should I buy?

Moving boxes can be purchased at your local storage facility, Home Depot or Lowes, shipping supply store or there are stores out there that specifically sell just moving/shipping boxes (like Ecobox in Austin, TX).  If you can find one of these specialty stores then you might be able to purchase used or new boxes from.  They may even by them back from you at a discounted rate or pick them up from your home if you meet the required box minimum.  Here's some basic info about what each box size is recommended for so you can gauge how many of each you need for your move.

Small box ~ 17x12x12

Small boxes are ideal for packing heavy items such as books, glassware and files because of their weight. If you pack these items in anything larger you run the risk of not being able to carry or dolly them, or the seal on the bottom may break spilling everything out.

Medium box ~ 18x18x16

Mediums are the most versatile size because of the ability to pack a variety of goods inside. Most people can see over the top while they carry them and they fit comfortably in stacks of up to 2-3 on a dolly.

Large box ~ 18x18x24

Large boxes are used for bulky or light items such as blankets, pillows, lamps, speakers, toys, etc.

Wardrobe box

Wardrobe boxes vary in size and are made for moving hanging clothing straight from the closet onto the bar inside of the box. Some stores sell the bar separately so make sure to ask. The taller wardrobes will be around 24x21x46 in size, hold about 2-3ft of clothing and are ideal for longer garments like dresses, long coats, etc. Shorty wardrobes measure around 24x20x34 and are made for holding shirts, blouses, sports coats and jackets.

Dish Barrel box ~ 18x18x28

Dish barrel boxes have double walled protection on the inside for your breakable and delicate items such as stemware, china or antiques. There's a cell kit (that is usually sold separately) that inserts into the box that divides your items providing isolation and protection for them as well as adding strength to the box to prevent crushing. If you're in the Austin, TX area and you'd rather have a local moving company purchase the boxes and pack your home for you then give Infinity Moving LLC a call today 512-628-0200.
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