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4 Steps to Hosting a Moving Out Sale

A move can present a great opportunity to rid your house of items you may no longer need. Whether you don't wear half of your closet, your kids have grown out of some of their toys, or you plan to upgrade pieces of furniture in your new home, hosting a moving sale can be a great way to de-clutter. Having a moving out sale before you start packing your house into boxes, will minimize the amount you have to pack, saving you time and money. This can also be a way to make a little extra cash before the big move. Get organized a few weeks in advance, so you can make sure the day goes as smooth as possible. We've put together 4 easy steps to hosting the most successful moving sale.

1. Advertise

Schedule a date for the sale, a few weeks away to leave time for you to prepare. Advertise by posting flyers around your neighborhood, on local websites, and announce in local newspapers and online with the date, time, and your address. Be sure to check with your local authorities to see if any permits or taxes apply when organizing a moving sale.

2. Organize

Go through every room in your house and decide which items you want to keep and which ones you would rather leave behind. Search through closets, drawers, underneath beds for any items you can part with. If you run across things that are broken or worn out, throw them away, or recycle  when appropriate. Then decide if there are any belongings you don't need anymore, but can give away. This could be a piece of antique furniture that you would like to hand down to a family member or clothes that can be donated to a local organization. Organizing items into categories will make the next step in the process easier.

3. Set Prices

After you have decided which items you are going to place for sale, the next step is to set prices. Make a list of everything you are going to be selling and put a price next to it. This can be hard, especially for items you may have an emotional attachment to, but try to be reasonable to make the most out of the sale. Having your items in categories should make this process easier as you can base prices on relative quality and other criteria. After prices have been set, put price tags on every item. Also remember that people may want to negotiate prices with you, so you should be ready to make a deal.

4. Host the Sale

Place smaller items on tables, clothes on racks, and larger items on the ground and keep them in the categories you have already created. Greet your customers and help them find what they are looking for. If there are left over items at the end of the sale, consider putting them online or donating if possible. Need help moving the rest of your home? Keep it green and call the moving professionals at Infinity Moving LLC, they're experienced eco-friendly movers that are sure to get the job done, hassle-free.
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